- Judul Buku: Cases and Materials on Civil Procedure (Fourth Edition)
- Penulis : John J. Cound
- Penerbit : Amerika Serikat : West Publishing, 1985
- Edisi : Fourth Edition
- Bahasa : Inggris
- ISBN : 0314902767
Sinopsis Buku Cases and Materials on Civil Procedure (Fourth Edition)
This book provides an in-depth exploration of the rules and concepts involved in civil litigation, beginning with the initiation of a lawsuit and progressing through the various stages of the litigation process, including pretrial motions, discovery, trials, and appeals.
The fourth edition of Cases and Materials on Civil Procedure includes significant updates reflecting changes in the law and procedure, as well as contemporary issues in the field.

The book is structured around case law, statutes, and materials that illustrate the application of civil procedure rules in practice. Each chapter is designed to help students and practitioners understand how courts manage and resolve disputes, focusing on the legal principles and procedural strategies involved at each stage of a civil case.
The materials include both landmark and contemporary cases, offering diverse perspectives on how civil procedure rules are applied in various contexts.
The fourth edition also includes more up-to-date case studies and examples to reflect the evolving nature of civil litigation. It offers insights into how civil procedure rules are applied in different jurisdictions and situations.
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