- Judul Buku: Developing an Export Trade Business
- Penulis: S. Linn Williams
- Penerbit: New York: Practising Law Institute, 1988
- Bahasa: Inggris
- ISBN: 979-456-181-9
Sinopsis Buku Developing an Export Trade Business
This course handbook is one of about 150 published each year by the Practising Law Institute.
It’s primary function is to serve as an educational supplement to each program. It may also be used as a reference manual by attorneys and related professionals unable to attend the sessions.

The method of reproduction utilized has been chosen to insure that registrants receive these materials as quickly as possible in the most usable form practicable.
The Practising Law Institute wishes to acknowledge its debt and extend its sincere appreciation to the authors who have rendered this valuable service. They exemplify the finest tradition of our profession by sharing their expertise with their colleagues.
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