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Buku Developing Negotiating Skills And Behaviour

Books CollectionBuku Developing Negotiating Skills And Behaviour
  • Judul Buku: Developing Negotiating Skills And Behaviour
  • Penulis: Paul McCarthy
  • Penerbit: Sydney: CCH Australia Limited, [1989]
  • Bahasa: Inggris
  • ISBN: 0869038826

Sinopsis Buku Developing Negotiating Skills And Behaviour

Developing Negotiating Skills and Behaviour is one of the books published in the CCH series Personnel Management in Practice. The books in this series cover a wide range of personnel-related subjects Each book is prepared by CCH editorial staff in conjunction with leading personnel management consultants.

The books are suited to both the student and the practitioner, with the emphasis on a practical and skills-oriented guide to each topic The aim is to set out for readers what they need to know in order to set up and maintain a specific function within an organisation.

While this book focuses on the use of negotiating skills and behaviour in the industrial relations context, much of its content has a universal application to negotiations in any environment Everyone negotiates whether on a personal, group, organisation or national level and there are substantial benefits to the parties involved if negotiations are performed effectively.

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EYRCLS Books Collection - Buku Developing Negotiating Skills and Behaviour
EYRCLS Books Collection – Buku Developing Negotiating Skills and Behaviour

In the industrial relations context, effective negotiating skills and behaviour are becoming more important than ever This is shown by National Wage Case decisions in Australia which are placing increasing emphasis on negotiated agreements at workplace or industry level These take factors such as productivity into account, rather than formal decisions by the Commission. The voluntary agreement provisions in Queensland legislation are a further example.

This book emphasises the point that it is the practice of skills rather than the actual topic of negotiations which should receive the most attention Once a person becomes competent in terms of skills and behaviour, the person can adapt to a wide range of negotiating situations.

To facilitate the development of skills and behaviour, the book has a strong practical orientation and is divided into two parts.

Chapter 1 outlines the role of a negotiator, including definitions of terms, scope of negotiations and requirements of a successful negotiator Chapter 2 describes the formal industrial relations systems in Australia and New Zealand Chapter 3 discusses the theoretical framework of negotiations.

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Chapters 4 to 6 provide a number of practical guidelines. Included are the development of communication skills (non-verbal as well as verbal). negotiation strategy, preparation for negotiations, research and data collection techniques and a wide range of negotiating tactics. Checklists are provided.

The “paperwork side of negotiations (recording the settlementi is covered in Chapter 7, while Chapter 8 deals with on-site grievance resolution an area receiving increasing attention in industrial relations. To conclude Part 1. Chapter 9 outlines the role of the third party in negotiations.
Part II commences with a discussion of appropriate training techniques for the development of negotiating skills and behaviour in Chapter 10.

Chapter 11 consists of a series of practical negotiation exercises and case studies which instructors can conduct with their students. These exercises are grouped according to their degree of complexity with notes to instructors supplied.

Note: Legislation awaiting proclamation. At the time of publication, the Commonwealth Industrial Relations Act 1988 was awaiting proclamation to commence in Australia. This was expected to occur in March 1989 The Industrial Relations Act will replace the Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904 as Australia’s main federal industrial relations legislation. The contents of this book refer to the Industrial Relations Act.

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EYR Center for Legal Studies (CLS)
EYR Center for Legal Studies (CLS)https://eyrcls.com
EYR Center for Legal Studies (CLS) is an Indonesian non-profit Civil Society Organization with focus on various law programmes.


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