- Judul Buku: International Civil Litigation in United States Courts: Commentary and Materials
- Penulis: Gary B. Born, David Westin
- Edisi: Edisi ke-2
- Penerbit: Deventer: Kluwer Law, ©1994
- Bahasa: Inggris
- ISBN: 9065446478
Sinopsis International Civil Litigation in United States Courts: Commentary and Materials
This 1,200 page work is the established text in the rapidly expanding international civil litigation field. This third edition is comprehensively revised and expanded.
It includes new sections on international commercial arbitration, choice of law, subject matter jurisdiction, and 28 U.S.C. 1782, as well as comparative materials on the Brussels Convention.

The following subjects are treated in Subject Matter Jurisdiction over International Disputes; Personal Jurisdiction over Foreign Defendants; Foreign Sovereign Immunity; Forum non conveniens; Forum Selection Clauses; Lis alibi pendens and Antisuit Injunctions; Legislative Jurisdiction; Extraterritoriality and Choice of Law; Act of State Doctrine; Foreign Sovereign Compulsion; Service of Process Abroad; Taking of Evidence Abroad and Extraterritorial Discovery; Recognition of Foreign Judgments; and International Commercial Arbitration.
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