- Judul Buku: Mediate, Don’t Litigate
- Penulis: Peter Lovenheim
- Editor: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
- Penerbit: McGRAW-HILL, INC.
- Cetakan Pertama: 1989
- Bahasa: English
- ISBN: 0-07-038832-6
Sinopsis Buku Mediate, Don’t Litigate
Each year the nation’s courts are clogged by more than 12.5 million lawsuits, many stemming from simple disputes. The result is a legal nightmare of lengthy, delays, skyrocketing costs, and lost business days.
Frustration with lawyers, the debilitating time and expense court proceedings, and the complicated litigation that seems to be attached to any dispute, have made the American legal system a nightmare.
Now, finally, Mediate, Don’t Litigate offers an alternative. It explains how to use the more than 300 public alternative dispute resolution centers that operate throughout the United States. Tens of thousands of people have already turned to them for help in handling such disputes involving consumer versus merchant, landlord versus tenant, employer versus employee, and business versus business.
Mediation is quick (the average time from intake to resolution is about twenty-one days, with most cases requiring only one two-hour hearing); private (all discussion is confidential); inexpensive (free or at nominal cost since lawyers are not needed); fair (because solutions are tailored to individual needs rather than dictated by legal precedent); and successful.
Mediation is quick, private, and fair. It’s also successful in 87 to 93 percent of cases involving business conflicts, consumer claims, landlord/tenant disputes, and divorce. And here is the only book you’ll ever need to make it work for you.
This book shows you the efficient, effective, and inexpensive alternative to litigation. In clear nontechnical language, mediation expert Peter Lovenheim takes you step-by-step through the entire process, and provides the most comprehensive nationwide listing of public and private mediation services available today.
Peter Lovenheim, an attorney, journalist, and certified mediator, explains how mediation works and how best to exploit it, and offers a special chapter on how to train and qualify to become a Certified Public Mediator. The book concludes with the most up-to-date, comprehensive listing of mediation services in the country.
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