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Buku Personal Property: Commentary And Materials

Books CollectionBuku Personal Property: Commentary And Materials
  • Judul Buku: Personal Property: Commentary And Materials
  • Penulis: R.G. Hammond
  • Penerbit: Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990
  • Bahasa: Inggris
  • ISBN: 0195582179

Sinopsis Buku Personal Property: Commentary And Materials

Does one have a property right in one’s body parts? Who owns the airwaves? Can entertainers claims to exploit their personality be expressed as a property interest? Personal property has traditionally been confined to legal obligations with respect to tangible goods. But personal property must today be understood in a wider and more dynamic context.

This book is in three parts. Part One deals with the concept of property rights in contemporary legal systems. New areas of concern are dealt with. such as property rights to information, to personality interests, and to body parts.

EYRCLS Books Collection - Buku Personal Property: Commentary And Materials
EYRCLS Books Collection – Buku Personal Property: Commentary And Materials

Part Two deals with the traditional legal concepts, such as possession, ownership, assignments. gifts. sales, and bailments. Part Three is directed to registered interests in personalty and covers the Chattels Transfer Act. the Motor Vehicles Security Act and the proposals for a new personal property security system in New Zealand.

READ ALSO:  Buku Kapita Selekta Kasus-kasus Korupsi Di Indonesia: Putusan-putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia (Volume 3)

Personal Property is wide ranging in its approach, and includes materials from other jurisdictions not easily accessible in New Zealand. It will be of practical assistance to student and practitioner alike.

R.G. Hammond is Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Auckland. He was formerly Professor of Law at the University of Alberta and Director of the Alberta Institute of Law Reform and Research, and has published widely in North America, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, especially in commercial law.

Buku Personal Property: Commentary And Materials ini terdapat di Perpustakaan EYR Center for Legal Studies yang nantinya akan dibuka untuk kalangan umum. Rekan-rekan dapat membacanya di tempat atau, setelah mendaftar menjadi anggota di Perpustakaan kami. Untuk mendaftar menjadi anggota Perpustakaan EYR CLS, silahkan buka halaman Pendaftaran.

Untuk melihat koleksi buku yang terdapat di Perpustakaan EYR Center for Legal Studies, silahkan buka halaman Katalog Perpustakaan EYR Center for Legal Studies. Untuk melihat Sinopsis buku lainnya, silahkan buka halaman Books Collection.

READ ALSO:  Buku Empirical Theories About Courts

Written by:

EYR Center for Legal Studies (CLS)
EYR Center for Legal Studies (CLS)https://eyrcls.com
EYR Center for Legal Studies (CLS) is an Indonesian non-profit Civil Society Organization with focus on various law programmes.


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