- Judul Buku: System In Crisis: The Dynamics Of Free Market Capitalism
- Penulis: James Petras dan Henry Veltmeyer
- Editor: Douglas Beall
- Penerbit: Amerika Serikat: Zed Books, 2003
- Bahasa: English
- ISBN: 184277364 X Hb
Sinopsis Buku System In Crisis: The Dynamics Of Free Market Capitalism
From the 1960s to the present, the capitalist system has suffered a prolonged period of crises leading to recessions, financial speculation, attacks on social welfare and imperialist wars. The result has been the massive destruction of ecological and material resources and human lives.
The capitalist “solution” to these crises has been to spend vast sums on information technology and to intensify the system of exploitation by fiat, legislation and relocating capital to regions of low wages.
The concluding chapter looks at developments associated with what is known as the Anti-Globalization Movement (AGM). Unlike the movements discussed in the previous chapters. This movement is unfolding for the most part in societies on the north side of the global divide – in the capitalist societies of Europe and North America. And its main social base is found not in the producing or working class but in the middle class of the major urban centres of these societies.
At the moment, however, the Anti-globalization Movement is divided along class lines that are blurred by ideology and other factors. The final chapter focuses on the nature of this division and its political repercussions.

This analysis provides a more general perspective on the broader Anti-Globalization Movement and the possibilities for unifying the diverse forces of resistance and opposition to neoliberalism, capitalism and imperialism and the prospects for an alternative, more human, socialist form of development. The book ends on this note.
Petras and Veltmeyer examine this failure of the technological fixes and the logic of military and colonial conquest emerging from the intensified competition of capitalist states. They look critically at the popular resistance embodied in the “anti-globalization” and anti-imperialist movements, pointing to the promise and potential of the new movements that go beyond protesting against the multinational corporations and build ongoing grassroots political organizations aiming for state power.
In System in Crisis, Petras and Veltmeyer name the system of power and destruction -imperialism- and identify the anti-imperialist movements that are calling into question its policy of ruin and rule.
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