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Buku The Economic Structure of Corporate Law

Books CollectionBuku The Economic Structure of Corporate Law
  • Judul Buku: The Economic Structure of Corporate Law
  • Penulis: Frank H. Easterbrook – Daniel R. Fischel
  • Penerbit: Jakarta: Harvard University Press, 1996
  • Edisi: Cetakan Ketiga, 1996
  • Bahasa: Inggris
  • ISBN: 0-674-23539-8

Sinopsis Buku The Economic Structure of Corporate Law

The Economic Structure of Corporate Law is a book by Frank H. Easterbrook and Daniel R. Fischel that discusses how corporate law plays a role in facilitating and regulating business activities. The book uses an economic approach to analyze various aspects of corporate law, such as corporate governance, shareholder rights, managerial duties, and decision-making mechanisms within companies.

EYRCLS Books Collection - Buku The Economic Structure of Corporate Law
EYRCLS Books Collection – Buku The Economic Structure of Corporate Law

Easterbrook and Fischel argue that corporate law should be designed to maximize company value by minimizing transaction costs and reducing conflicts of interest between shareholders and management. They emphasize the importance of contractual freedom in structuring the relationships among stakeholders in a company and how courts should enforce rules that support economic efficiency.

The authors also explore various corporate law concepts such as fiduciary duty, limited liability, mergers and acquisitions, and capital market regulation. They argue that many existing rules in corporate law can be explained and understood through an economic lens, where these rules aim to reduce uncertainty and facilitate more effective cooperation among the parties involved.

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This book is considered a seminal work in corporate law theory and provides deep insights for academics, legal practitioners, and those interested in the intersection of law and economics.


Buku The Economic Structure of Corporate Law ini terdapat di Perpustakaan EYR Center for Legal Studies yang nantinya akan dibuka untuk kalangan umum. Rekan-rekan dapat membacanya di tempat atau, setelah mendaftar menjadi anggota di Perpustakaan kami. Untuk mendaftar menjadi anggota Perpustakaan EYR CLS, silahkan buka halaman Pendaftaran.

Untuk melihat koleksi buku yang terdapat di Perpustakaan EYR Center for Legal Studies, silahkan buka halaman Katalog Perpustakaan EYR Center for Legal Studies. Untuk melihat Sinopsis buku lainnya, silahkan buka halaman Books Collection.

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EYR Center for Legal Studies (CLS)
EYR Center for Legal Studies (CLS)https://eyrcls.com
EYR Center for Legal Studies (CLS) is an Indonesian non-profit Civil Society Organization with focus on various law programmes.


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