- Judul Buku: The Law And Policy of the World Trade
Organization: Text, Cases And Materials - Penulis: Peter Van den Bossche
- Penerbit: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006
- Edisi: Cetakan pertama, 2006
- Bahasa: Inggris
- ISBN: 0521529816
Sinopsis Buku The Law And Policy of the World Trade Organization: Text, Cases And Materials
In “The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization (WTO): Text, Cases and Materials,” Peter Van den Bossche provides an authoritative and comprehensive overview of the legal and policy framework of the WTO.
This book serves as both a detailed introduction and an advanced study of the key issues in international trade law, making it essential for students, scholars, and practitioners alike.

Van den Bossche begins by explaining the historical development of the WTO and its predecessor, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), outlining the key principles and rules that govern international trade. The book then delves into the structure and functioning of the WTO, including its various agreements and how they regulate trade in goods, services, and intellectual property.
A significant portion of the book is dedicated to the dispute settlement system of the WTO, highlighting important cases that have shaped its jurisprudence. Through detailed case studies and materials, Van den Bossche illustrates the practical application of WTO law in resolving trade disputes between member states.
The book also examines the broader implications of WTO policies, including the relationship between trade and environmental protection, human rights, and development. It discusses the challenges faced by developing countries in the global trading system and how the WTO’s rules impact their economic growth.
With its rigorous analysis, clear explanations, and extensive case references, “The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization” is a foundational resource for understanding the complexities of global trade law and the role of the WTO in promoting free and fair trade.
Buku The Law And Policy Of The World Trade
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