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Buku The Law of Buying and Selling

Books CollectionBuku The Law of Buying and Selling
  • Judul Buku: The Law of Buying and Selling
  • Penulis: Bertha Rothe White
  • Editor: Irving J. Sloan
  • Penerbit: Amerika Serikat: Oceana Publications, Inc., [1979]
  • Edisi: Second Edition
  • Bahasa: Inggris
  • ISBN: 0379111128

Sinopsis Buku The Law of Buying and Selling

1. Economic Approach to Corporate Law:

The book employs an economic perspective to analyze corporate law, arguing that many aspects of corporate law can be better understood through economic theory. Easterbrook and Fischel argue that corporate law is designed to minimize transaction costs and facilitate market efficiency.

2. Structure of Corporate Law:

The authors explore various components of the corporate law structure, including shareholder rights, board of directors’ responsibilities, and oversight mechanisms. They assess how this legal structure contributes to the primary goal of the corporation: maximizing shareholder value.

READ ALSO:  Buku Digital Crossroads: Telecommunications Law And Policy In The Internet Age

3. Role of Markets and Competition:

The book discusses how markets and competition influence corporate law. Easterbrook and Fischel elaborate on how market mechanisms, such as the threat of takeovers and competition, serve as natural disciplines that regulate company behavior and management.

EYRCLS Books Collection - Buku The Law of Buying and Selling
EYRCLS Books Collection – Buku The Law of Buying and Selling

4. Shareholder Rights and Duties:

One of the main topics is shareholder rights and how corporate law regulates the relationship between shareholders and management. The authors examine how the law aims to protect minority shareholders and ensure that managers act in the corporation’s best interests.

5. Board and Management Responsibilities:

Easterbrook and Fischel explain the legal responsibilities of boards of directors and corporate management. They analyze how these responsibilities work to ensure that business decisions are in the best interests of the company and its shareholders.

6. Agency Problems and Incentives:

The book examines agency problems—the conflicts between managers’ interests and those of shareholders—and how corporate law is designed to address these issues. The authors evaluate various incentive mechanisms and oversight systems that align managers’ interests with shareholder goals.

READ ALSO:  Buku Asosiasi & Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat

7. Case Studies and Practical Examples:

To clarify their theories and arguments, the book includes analyses of important corporate law cases and practical examples of how economic theory is applied in the context of corporate law.

8. Critique of Corporate Law Models:

Easterbrook and Fischel critique existing corporate law models, offering alternatives based on deeper economic analysis. They argue that many traditional approaches can be improved with a better understanding of incentives and costs.


Buku The Law of Buying and Selling ini terdapat di Perpustakaan EYR Center for Legal Studies yang nantinya akan dibuka untuk kalangan umum. Rekan-rekan dapat membacanya di tempat atau, setelah mendaftar menjadi anggota di Perpustakaan kami. Untuk mendaftar menjadi anggota Perpustakaan EYR CLS, silahkan buka halaman Pendaftaran.

Untuk melihat koleksi buku yang terdapat di Perpustakaan EYR Center for Legal Studies, silahkan buka halaman Katalog Perpustakaan EYR Center for Legal Studies. Untuk melihat Sinopsis buku lainnya, silahkan buka halaman Books Collection.

READ ALSO:  Buku Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations In Industrialized Market Economies

Nantikan koleksi buku kami selanjutnya ya!


Written by:

EYR Center for Legal Studies (CLS)
EYR Center for Legal Studies (CLS)https://eyrcls.com
EYR Center for Legal Studies (CLS) is an Indonesian non-profit Civil Society Organization with focus on various law programmes.


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