- Judul Buku: The Law of International Business Transactions
- Penulis: Robin Burnett
- Penerbit: Sydney: The Federation Press, 1994
- Bahasa: Inggris
- ISBN: 1862871310 – 1862871221
Sinopsis Buku The Law of International Business Transactions
Robin Burnett has written a major work which analyses the law relating to the import and export of goods and services into and out of Australia and New Zealand, the legal and contractual issues impacting on these international transactions and the complex financial arrangements necessary for their completion.
The book is divided into two parts, the first dealing with Goods; and the second dealing with Services.
Part One has chapters on the meaning of “Goods”; International Sale of Goods; International Carriage of Goods; Financing an International Transaction; Government Regimes.

Part Two has chapters on: International Services Trade; The Framework of International Regulation; International Agreements; The Multilateral Agreement on Trade in Services.
Robin Burnett brings a wealth of experience to her writing. After spending 12 years as a legal advisor in the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she taught at the ANU Law Faculty for over 20 years. Recently she has presented seminars for both the International Chamber of Commerce and the Australian Institute of Bankers.
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