- Judul Buku: The Making Of Economic Society
- Penulis: Robert L. Heilbroner
- Penerbit: New jersey: Prentice-Hall International,, 1985
- Edisi: Seventh Edition
- Bahasa: Inggris
- ISBN: 0135432731
Sinopsis Buku The Making Of Economic Society
“The Making of Economic Society” by Robert L. Heilbroner explores the historical development of economic thought and how various social, political, and cultural factors contribute to the formation of economic societies. Heilbroner invites readers to understand that economic systems are influenced not only by economic theories but also by the historical context and underlying social values.

The book analyzes different economic systems, such as feudalism, capitalism, and socialism, and their impacts on society. Heilbroner discusses the roles of individuals and institutions in the economic process, highlighting the interactions between economic decisions and social structures. With accessible writing, the book serves as a valuable guide to understanding the dynamics of economics and its influence on society.
Overall, “The Making of Economic Society” encourages readers to view economics as a complex and dynamic entity that cannot be separated from its social context.
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