- Judul Buku: The Practice of Social Research: 9th Edition
- Penulis: Earl Babbie
- Penerbit: Belmont: Thomson Learning, ©2001
- Cetakan: Edisi ke 9
- Bahasa: Inggris
- ISBN: 0534574742
Sinopsis Buku The Practice of Social Research: 9th Edition
The Ninth Edition
In a previous edition of this book, I said, “Revising a textbook such as this is a humbling experience. No matter how good it seems to be, there is no end of ideas about how it could be improved.” That observation still holds true.
When we asked instructors what could be improved, they thought of things once more, and I have considered all their suggestions, followed many of them, and chosen to “think some more about others. I’ve also received a lot of comments and suggestions from students who’ve been assigned the book; many of the changes come from them.
The two biggest changes in this edition have to do with qualitative research. When I first published Survey Research Methods in 1973, the chief criticism from reviewers was that it was not positivistic enough. Many then felt that quantitative methods would soon supplant qualitative methods altogether. (The same reviewers objected to my having a chapter on research ethics.)
In the years since then, we have seen social researchers become less rigidly positivistic and we’ve seen a rebirth of interest in qualitative research among both students and faculty.
In the last few revisions of TPOSR. I’ve paid more and more attention to qualitative methods, always trying to show how the two approaches complement each other. In the ninth edition. I’ve sought to strengthen the treatment of qualitative methods dramatically.

First, the chapter on field research has been radically restructured to focus on several of the major paradigms used today naturalism, ethnomethodology, grounded theory, case study and the extended case method, institutional ethnography, and participatory action research. Each of these is discussed and illustrated with research examples.
Second, I’ve added a new chapter: “Qualitative Data Analysis. In addition to an extensive discussion of coding and memoing, the chapter has separate discussions of grounded theory method, semiotics, and conversation analysis. I illustrate coding by using it to examine how male homosexuality is dealt with in the Book of Leviticus.
The chapter concludes with a section on computer programs designed specifically for qualitative data analysis. illustrated through the use of NUD IST to analyze the Leviticus data and also a study of female movie directors being conducted by a colleague, Sandrine Zerbib.
Whereas I have always presented conceptualization and operationalization in separate chapters, they are combined now, with discussions of questionnaires moved to the chapter on survey re- search. That leaves the total number of chapters at 19, with numbering changed for 6-12.
I’ve written an appendix on SPSS 8.0. Of course 9.0 and 10.0 appeared shortly after I’d finished the chapter. However, neither of the latter revisions seem to have changes that affect the elementary introduction presented in the appendix.
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