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Buku Write to the Point! Letters, Memos, And Reports That Get Results

Books CollectionBuku Write to the Point! Letters, Memos, And Reports That Get Results
  • Judul Buku: Write to the Point! Letters, Memos, And Reports That Get Results
  • Penulis: Rosemary T. Fruehling
    N.B. Oldham
  • Penerbit: New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994
  • Edisi: International Editions 1994
  • Bahasa: Inggris
  • ISBN: 0070225494

Sinopsis Buku Write to the Point! Letters, Memos, And Reports That Get Results

Write to the Point! : Letters, Memos, and Reports that Get Results by Rosemary T. Fruehling is a practical guide designed to help professionals write effective, clear, and persuasive business documents. The book offers techniques and strategies for crafting letters, memos, and reports that efficiently achieve communication goals.

Fruehling emphasizes the importance of writing with a clear purpose and using straightforward, easy-to-understand language. The book focuses on how to deliver messages accurately, avoid unnecessary jargon, and create documents that are easy for the audience to read and follow.

EYRCLS Books Collection - Buku Write to the Point! Letters, Memos, and Reports That Get Results
EYRCLS Books Collection – Buku Write to the Point! Letters, Memos, and Reports That Get Results

Each type of document whether it’s a letter, memo, or report is discussed in detail, including the structure, format, and appropriate writing style. Fruehling also provides practical examples and tips for handling various business communication situations, such as responding to customer complaints, conveying difficult information, or creating persuasive reports.

READ ALSO:  Buku People Centered Development

This book is designed to help readers improve their business writing skills, enabling them to communicate more effectively and achieve the desired results in a professional environment.


Buku Write to the Point! Letters, Memos, And Reports That Get Results ini terdapat di Perpustakaan EYR Center for Legal Studies yang nantinya akan dibuka untuk kalangan umum. Rekan-rekan dapat membacanya di tempat atau, setelah mendaftar menjadi anggota di Perpustakaan kami. Untuk mendaftar menjadi anggota Perpustakaan EYR CLS, silahkan buka halaman Pendaftaran.

Untuk melihat koleksi buku yang terdapat di Perpustakaan EYR Center for Legal Studies, silahkan buka halaman Katalog Perpustakaan EYR Center for Legal Studies. Untuk melihat Sinopsis buku lainnya, silahkan buka halaman Books Collection.

Nantikan koleksi buku kami selanjutnya ya!


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EYR Center for Legal Studies (CLS)
EYR Center for Legal Studies (CLS)https://eyrcls.com
EYR Center for Legal Studies (CLS) is an Indonesian non-profit Civil Society Organization with focus on various law programmes.


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