- Book Title: The Stockmarket: A Guide For Players, Planners And Procrastinators
- Penulis: Ron Bennetts
- Ilustrator: Dean Alston
- Penerbit: Sydney: ABC Enterprises, 1995 ©1990
- Language: Indonesia
- Edisi: Cetakan ketiga, 1995
- ISBN: 0733302815
Sinopsis Buku The Stockmarket: A Guide For Players, Planners And Procrastinators
This third edition of The Stockmarket-A Guide for Players, Planners and Procrastinators is not for those who know nothing about the stock- market and are proud of it. It is for those who currently invest in the stockmarket, those who are thinking about it and those who have invested in the past and wish in hindsight they had known more.

It has been fully updated on taxation law, Australian Stock Exchange oper- ations and features a unique interpretation of the good old ‘economic clock’, including asset allocation. If you fit any of the following, this book is for you:
- You know a fair bit about the market and some of it is true.
- You dabble in the market, buying near the top of the market and selling at the bottom.
- You have had your fingers burnt in the market, given them time to heal and returned to be burnt again.
- You love the thrill of speculating and want to increase the odds.
- You have some idea of how the market operates and are yet to find a single comprehensive publication to use for reference.
- You are taking a stockmarket-related course that assumes the jargon is understood by students.
- You are teaching a stockmarket-related course that assumes the lec- turer knows the basics.
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