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15 Minutes Law Literacy - The Mechanism of Share Investment in Indonesia Capital Market

EYR CLS Education15 Minutes Law Literacy15 Minutes Law Literacy - Mekanisme Investasi Saham di Pasar Modal Indonesia
  • Topic: The Mechanism of Share Investment in Indonesia Capital Market
  • Programme Name: 15 Minutes Law Literacy
  • Lived at EYR CLS Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eyrcls/
    • Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2024
    • Time: 15:00 WIB
  • Resource Person: dr. Ahmad Tawakkal, M.B.A.
  • Host: Amartha Christine, S.H.

The Mechanism of Share Investment in Indonesia Capital Market

What is the Definition of Shares in the Capital Market?

Shares are papers that represent ownership in a company.

How is The Mechanism of Share Investment in Indonesia Capital Market

To buy shares, potential investors need to register and create an account through a Securities Company. It is recommended that potential investors visit the company in person to ensure they fully understand the software that will be used. This enables potential investors to see the software in action and make an informed decision on which Securities Company to choose.

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What are The Differences between a Securities Company and an Investment Manager?

It’s important to understand that Securities Companies and Investment Managers are two distinct entities. A Securities Company is a firm that has obtained a license from the Financial Services Authority of Indonesia (OJK) to engage in activities such as Securities Trading Broker or Securities Underwriter, in compliance with the regulations stipulated by the Capital Market Supervisor.

15 Minutes Law Literacy - Mekanisme Investasi Saham di Pasar Modal Indonesia
15 Minutes Law Literacy - The Mechanism of Share Investment in Indonesia Capital Market

On the other hand, an Investment Manager is a company that has been granted a license by the OJK to manage a securities portfolio, collective investment portfolio, or other activities as per the provisions of the Capital Market Supervisor.

What are the Preparations Needed for New Investors in Capital Market?

Investing in shares is a high-risk high-return investment. Before investing, it’s crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the investment you are making. It is important to analyze the product carefully. To do this, you should collect information about the capital market products and any related development or information on the products’ aim that you want to invest in from reliable sources such as newspapers, prospectuses, or other credible sources.

By gathering this information, you can become more aware of the market and make informed decisions before investing in a share or any other capital market product

READ ALSO:  15 Minutes Law Literacy: Let’s Talk about Lawyers & Music Concert Business

Interested in this issue? Come, watch the video!

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EYR Center for Legal Studies (CLS)
EYR Center for Legal Studies (CLS)https://eyrcls.com
EYR Center for Legal Studies (CLS) is an Indonesian non-profit Civil Society Organization with focus on various law programmes.


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