Wijaya Grand Centre, South Jakarta, 12160


EYR Center for Legal Studies

Our Activities Documentation

Suasana Meeting di EYR CLS
Gathering with writer colleagues after the book launch of "Sak Karepmu Emmy Yuhassarie Ruru", at the meeting room of EYR CLS office, led by Bacelius Ruru as the Chairman of Advisors on December 2021.
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The office team of EY Ruru & Partners and Center for Legal Studies along with Emmy Yuhassarie Ruru and Bacelius Ruru. (From left, seated) Emmy Yuhassarie Ruru, Bacelius Ruru, Anie. (From left, standing) Florence, Kristin Ningrum, Wening, Sri Muriyani, Enong, Hyang I. Mihardja, Tomy Kusuma, & Ratna Irawati. 2005.
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Meeting for the transformation of Pusat Pengkajian Hukum (PPH) to EYR Center for Legal Studies along with the founders of PPH, Marzuki Usman and Bacelius Ruru. Jakarta, February 7, 2022.
Focus Group Discussion bersama Bapak Darwin Cyril Noerhadi
In-depth interview with Darwin Cyril Noerhadi, Commissioner of the Indonesian Investment Authority (INA), as a resource person for the Study of Electricity Energy Transition with the EYR CLS team on September 21, 2022.
Project Transisi Energi EYR CLS
In-depth interview with Fakhrul Aufa the Head of SDG Indonesia One Blended Finance Platform PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur, as a resource person for the Study of Electricity Energy Transition with the EYR CLS team on October 19, 2023.
Tim EYR CLS bersama Bapak Hanan dari Bappenas
Brainstorming with Hanan Nugroho (BAPPENAS) as a resource person for the Study of Electricity Energy Transition (second from the right) at the EYR CLS Office, 2022.
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EYR CLS team’s Thanksgiving Dinner. (From left, seated) Endang Setyowati, Bacelius Ruru, Sri Wahyu Karini, Bambang Kesowo, Suhunan Situmorang. (From left, standing) Amartha Christine, Yulianti S. Utami, Hyang I. Mihardja, at Agneya Restaurant on November 21, 2022.
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(From left) Yulianti S. Utami, Anita Munafia, Hyang I. Mihardja, Bacelius Ruru, Suhunan Situmorang, after the opening & prayer ceremony for EYR’s office.
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Media Justitia’s colleagues visit for the handover of the Justitia Training Center Kaleidoscope at EYR CLS Office on March 15, 2023.
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Writers of the book "Sak Karepmu Emmy Yuhassarie Ruru" including Bacelius Ruru, Kristin Samah, Karini Nugroho, and Hyang Mihardja, along with journalists.
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Networking session with Emily Landon, the Professor on Negotiations and Legal Research and Writing, UC Berkeley School of Law (the second from the right), Fairmont Jakarta on March 16, 2023.
EYR Center for Legal Studies Team
Breaking fast with EYR CLS team’s. (From left, seated) Hyang I. Mihardja, Bacelius Ruru, Endang Setyowati, (from left, standing) Yulianti S. Utami, V. Ardi Purnamaningtyas, Amartha Christine, and R. Anindityo on April 17, 2023.
EYR CLS Team with Bapak Hanan Nugroho (BAPPENAS)1
EYR CLS team along with Hanan Nugroho (BAPPENAS) as a Resource Person at 15 Minutes Law Literacy on June 14, 2023.
Foto EYR CLS - Audiensi Universitas Indonesia 4
EYR CLS team visited the Faculty of Law University of Indonesia, in order to introduced EYR CLS. (From left) Sugito, Gratianus Prikasetya Putra, Parulian Paidi Aritonang, Hyang Mihardja, Ardi Purnamaningtyas, Yulianti Utami, and Amartha Christine. August 25, 2023.
Foto EYR CLS - Audiensi Universitas Indonesia 3
The EYR CLS team visited the Faculty of Law University of Indonesia, in order to introduced EYR CLS. (From left) Yulianti Utami, Ardi Purnamaningtyas, Gratianus Prikasetya Putra, Hyang Mihardja, Wiwiek Awiati and Amartha Christine. August 25, 2023.
EYR CLS - Kunjungan ke Podomoro University-5
The EYR CLS team visited the Podomoro University, to discuss future collaboration plan, November 17, 2023.
EYR CLS - Kunjungan ke Podomoro University-2
The EYR CLS team visited the Podomoro University, to discuss future collaboration plan. (From left) Amartha Christine, Felix Oktarianto, Hyang Mihardja, Yulianti Utami, and Ika, November 17, 2023.
EYR CLS - Kunjungan ke Podomoro University-1
The EYR CLS team visited the Podomoro University, to discuss future collaboration plan. (From left) Ika, Amartha Christine, Yulianti Utami, Hyang Mihardja, and Felix Oktarinato, Jakarta, 17 November 2023.

EYR Center for Legal Studies
at International Conferences

"Singapore Convention Week 2024"

Hyang I. Mihardja, Direktur Eksekutif EYR CLS merupakan salah satu penelis pada Singapore Convention Week 2024, yang mendiskusikan mengenai “Mediation Practice After The Singapore Convention Among The BNR and RCEP Regions". Hyang memaparkan materi mengenai Praktik Mediasi di Indonesia.

Singapura, 28 Agustus 2024

Hyang Mihardja - Singapore Convention Week 2024-1
Hyang Mihardja - Singapore Convention Week 2024-3
Hyang Mihardja - Singapore Convention Week 2024-2
Hyang Mihardja - Singapore Convention Week 2024-4
Hyang Mihardja - SIngapore Convention Week 2024-6

"10th World Water Forum 2024"

Bacelius Ruru, Chairman of Advisors EYRCLS, berbicara tentang pengalaman bagaimana pembiayaan pembangunan Sistem Pengelolaan Air Minum di Indonesia.

Bali, 18–24 Mei 2024

Bacelius Ruru - 10th World Water Forum 2024-5
Bacelius Ruru - 10th World Water Forum 2024-4
Bacelius Ruru - 10th World Water Forum 2024-2
Bacelius Ruru - 10th World Water Forum 2024-1
Bacelius Ruru - 10th World Water Forum 2024-3

"The 14th International Conference on the New Haven School of Jurisprudence and International Law"

Diselenggarakan oleh Zhejiang University Academy of International Strategy and Law and Guanghua Law School of Zhejiang University and Yale Law School, USA.
Hyang I. Mihardja, EYRCLS Executive Director, was one of the speakers, presenting her paper with topic of Dang-Dut Diplomacy: A Socio-Cultural Approach for Peace, in Indonesia's Electoral Season.

Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 15-16 December 2023.

Foto EYRCLS - Zhejiang University Hangzhou China-1
Hyang Mihardja - New Heaven School China-1
Hyang Mihardja - New Heaven School China-2
Foto EYRCLS - Zhejiang University Hangzhou China-2

"The 6th “Belt and Road” Initiative International Forum and “Belt and Road” Cooperation and Partnership Model Agreement Conference"

Hongkong, October 13-14, 2023.

EYR CLS - Belt and Road Initiative (Hong Kong)
Hyang Mihardja - BRI Hong Kong

"International Scientific and Practical Conference"

Mediation and arbitration in the era of changing geopolitical reality.
Russia, October 13, 2023.

EYR CLS - AMI APR Conference (Russia)-1
EYR CLS - AMI APR Conference (Russia)-2
EYR CLS - AMI APR Conference (Russia)-3

"Sixth Intersessional Meeting of UNCITRAL WORKING GROUP III"

Orginized by Singapore Ministry of Law and UNCITRAL.
Singapore, September 7-8, 2023.

EYR CLS - UNCITRAL (Singapore)

Acara yang Diadakan oleh
EYR Center for Legal Studies

Bedah Buku
Autobiografi Bacelius Ruru dengan topik Manfaat Debirokratisasi dalam Mendukung Ease of Doing Business
dan Pembukaan EYRCLS Library untuk Publik

Grand Wijaya Centre (lantai 4), Blok F No.64-65, Jalan Wijaya II Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, 12160.
25 Oktober 2024.

Bedah Buku Pak Ruru 1
Bedah Buku Pak Ruru 2
Bedah Buku Pak Ruru 3
Bedah Buku Pak Ruru 4
Bedah Buku Pak Ruru 5
Bedah Buku Pak Ruru 6
Bedah Buku Pak Ruru 7
Bedah Buku Pak Ruru 8
Peresmian EYRCLS Library 6
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Peresmian EYRCLS Library 1
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Peresmian EYRCLS Library 5

Book Launching
"Bacelius Ruru's Autobiography"

Fairmont Jakarta, Juni 29, 2024.

Autobiografi Bacelius Ruru - Sambutan Bacelius Ruru
Bacelius Ruru gave a speech at the Launching Ceremony.
Autobiografi Bacelius Ruru - Laksamana Sukardi
Laksamana Sukardi gave a speech at the Launching Ceremony.
Peluncuran Buku Autobiografi Bacelius Ruru - Romo Franky Pitoy
Father Franky Pitoy lead the prayer session at the Launching Ceremony.

Inauguration Ceremony of the EYR Center for Legal Studies

Fairmont Jakarta, Juni 29, 2024.

Peresmian EYRCLS - Sambutan Hyang
Hyang I. Mihardja, the Executive Director of EYR Center for Legal Studies gave an introduction speech at the Inauguration Ceremony.
Peresmian EYRCLS - Tim EYRCLS
EYR Center for Legal Studies’ team. (From the left to the right) Ricky Saputra, Yulianti S. Utami, Nina Ruru, Hyang I. Mihardja, Bacelius Ruru, Endang Setyowati, Annisa Fauziah, Ardi Purnamaningtyas, Amartha Christine.

Book Launching
"Sak Karepmu, Emmy Yuhassarie Ruru",
written by Bacelius Ruru, dkk.

Fairmont Jakarta, December 11, 2021.

Launching Buku Sak Karepmu Emmy
Keynote Speech from Bacelius Ruru.
Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana
Testimonial Speech from Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana.
Launching Buku Sak Karepmu Emmy4
Keynote Speech oleh Sofyan Djalil (The Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency period 2016-2022).
Launching Buku Sak Karepmu Emmy3
Moment of Launching, from Emilio Ruru dan Nina Ruru.
Bapak Budi Gunadi Sadikin
Testimonial Speech from Budi Gunadi Sadikin (The Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia).
Launching Buku Sak Karepmu Emmy6
Book Synopsis Reading from the representative of the writers, Hyang Mihardja.
Launching Buku Sak Karepmu Emmy5
(From the left to the right) Greg Churcill (Alm.), Irawati, Suhunan Situmorang, Sri Aryani, Sulis, Endang Setyowati, Dinda Saragih.
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(From the left to the right) Endang Setyowati, Bambang Kesowo, Karini Nugroho, Romo Andang, Hyang I. Mihardja, Bacelius Ruru.
Bapak Cyril & Bapak Ruru
Darwin Cyril Noerhadi, Member of the Supervisory Board of the Indonesia Investment Authority along with Bacelius Ruru.

Webinar Yang Diadakan oleh
EYR Center for Legal Studies

"Cara Mudah Memahami Laporan Keuangan"

Zoom Meeting, 24 September 2024

Koleksi Buku EYRCLS Library
di Lantai 4

Selamat datang di EYRCLS Library! Temukan beragam koleksi buku yang menarik di perpustakaan kami.
Bergabunglah menjadi anggota EYRCLS Library sekarang dan nikmati akses eksklusif ke ribuan buku dan sumber daya yang inspiratif.

New EYRCLS Library 5
Foto Buku EYRCLS Library 3

Persiapan Menjelang Grand Launching
Perpustakaan EYR CLS

Berikut adalah suasana penuh antusiasme di balik persiapan menjelang Grand Launching Perpustakaan EYR CLS.

Selama masa pembangunan Perpustakaan EYR CLS, kami turut dibantu oleh tim dari Perpustakaan Nasional RI dalam mengoperasikan perangkat lunak aplikasi otomasi perpustakaan dan tim Pustakawan dalam melakukan katalogisasi dari setiap koleksi bacaan yang kami miliki.

Harapan kami Perpustakaan EYR CLS dapat menjadi sumber bagi ilmu pengetahuan untuk kemudian menjadi wadah co-research space bagi komunitas pembelajar.

Katalogisasi Perpustakaan EYRCLS - Fase 1
Katalogisasi Perpustakaan EYRCLS - Fase 2 (1)
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Katalogisasi Perpustakaan EYRCLS - Fase 2 (2)
Katalogisasi Perpustakaan EYRCLS - Fase 2 (5)